Identity: We are a welcoming community of diverse, open-minded individuals seeking personal spiritual expression, exploration, and ethical growth. We provide a nurturing home in which to work for trust, understanding, social justice, and universal peaceAs Unitarian Universalists, we are bound not by creed, but by covenant. The heart of covenant is the commitment to a way of being rather than to a statement of belief.

 Mission: Our mission is to:

  • Partner with the earth
  • Embrace justice
  • Advance freedom of thought
  • Connect in love
  • Enrich our spirits


In order to live into this mission, we, the members of UUCH, covenant to:

Partner with the earth by adopting lifestyles that support and sustain the web of life. We will help pre-serve our environment by: re-using, recycling, repairing, and restoring its precious and limited resources, and by reducing our use of these resources.

Embrace justice through service, education, witness, advocacy, and community organizing.  We will commit to a congregation-wide service project each year that addresses an issue of social/cultural justice in our community.

Advance freedom of thought by building a religious community that supports each individual’s search for truth and meaning. We will find ways to connect with those who might benefit from our message and community and invite them to join us in celebration.

Connect in love by accepting and supporting one another with open minds and open hearts, caring for and respecting each other, sharing our sorrows and celebrating the joys of life together, and working together in the spirit of cooperation and harmony. We will create a welcoming and diverse community, open to all people without regard to ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, political persuasion, age, disability or religious belief. We will embrace our congregation’s Covenant of Right Relations.(Covenant name changed at June 10, 2012 COW.

Enrich our spirits by making participation in communal worship a high priority in our lives. We will grow spiritually through practices and activities that lead to spiritual maturity, exemplified by greater generosity, compassion, courage, gratitude, and humility.

This covenant is based upon the mission of this congregation, and requires making promises and taking responsibility. We covenant with humility, knowing that we are promise-breakers as well as promise-makers and promise keepers. We recognize and affirm the need for a community of accountability which will call forth the best in us. We recognize that accountability includes the support of our Congregation by sharing our time and energy, our creativity and imagination, our talents and skills, and our financial resources.

Adopted by the Committee of the Whole by Consensus 12/11/2011