Our work for a better world calls us to unexpected places as we harness love’s power to stop oppression. From grassroots community organizing to interfaith local, state and national advocacy; in protest marches, prayer vigils, and press conferences; we strive to put our faith into action, bearing witness to injustices that surround us. You will likely see a group of us marching in Raleigh’s HKonJ, the local MLK Day, or Pride parade. You may also see us at School Board meetings and County Commissioner’s meetings.

Our justice ministries in and around Hillsborough use the concept of “Community Partnerships” to guide our work. The most efficient and effective way of making a difference is through coalitions with other faith communities and organizations that are breaking down divisions, healing isolation, and honoring the interconnectedness of life. We also recognize that justice work necessarily includes a balance of service, education, witnessing, advocacy, and community organizing. With both the UUA’s priorities and the needs of Orange County in mind, we have developed strong relationships with the following Community Partners:

  • Orange Congregations in Mission, which seeks to address economic justice through providing food through their pantry, clothing and household goods through their thrift shop, help with utility bills for those with a current economic challenge, and their Meals on Wheels Program.
  • Northern Orange NAACP (chapter 5427), which helps us stand in solidarity with the historical and current challenges of people of color in our community. Attending community forums on race relations, study group participation, voter registration drives, and attendance of monthly meetings are ways of supporting this important organization.
  • Orange County Justice United, an interfaith, broad based community power organization dedicated to developing institutional leaders to organize their communities and take effective action on the social justice issues that affect our local community. Justice United is currently focused on two initiatives: increasing the diversity of teachers and other staff in the Orange County public school system, and advocating for affordable housing in our county.
  • New Hope Elementary Schoolthe closest neighborhood school to our building which helps us connect with families and children nearby. New Hope is a Title One School, meaning more than 50% of its students receive free or reduced lunch, many of the students are English Language Learners. We support New Hope by allowing their social worker and others personnel to use our building for informational or educational events at no cost.

Share the Plate Program

One important way we support our community is through sharing our Sunday morning collections with local non-profits or Unitarian Universalist affiliated groups that engage in service or justice projects. Each week, half of what is collected during worship is given away to support our Community Partners and other UUA justice initiatives.  You can donate to our Share the Plate program by clicking here and indicating “Plate” in the message.

Faith in Action Team

Our Faith in Action Team is responsible for motivate and organize our congregation to support the work of our Community Partnerships. The Team is part of our Ministry Council. If you are interested in being part of the team, please contact our Program Administrator at programadmin@uuchnc.org.