UU Justice Ministry of NC
As of December 2021, UUCH joined into an official partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina. This partnership provides a chance for further collaboration between community members across the state to help fight the oppression facing our neighbors. In their own words:
“We joyfully organize UUs to contribute to a transformative movement for justice through spiritual grounding, collaboration, and imagination.
In partnership with UU congregations and individuals in NC we cultivate a network of support and harness our power as 5,000+ UUs across the state. UU Justice NC works on a range of issues including racial, economic, environmental, immigrant and electoral justice – collaborating with justice partners in NC who are aligned with our UU values and doing transformative work in our state. We also move in alignment with our larger faith. This includes participating in national UU justice campaigns and educational opportunities to deepen our faith, knowledge and skills. UU Justice NC works closely with the UUA’s Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team, the Federal Advocacy Organization – UU’s for Social Justice (UUSJ), The UU Service Committee (UUSC), and others.”
If you would like to stay up to date on the happenings of Forward Together UU Justice NC, subscribe to their newsletter.