Music and the Arts
Our Sunday morning services are enriched by our wonderful musicians and our choir, the SongbUUrds. If you’re interested in joining our (now virtual) choir, please email our Music Coordinator at

The Ministry of Music at UUCH
Music is a uniquely expressive and meaningful part of the human experience and is an essential and inspiring part of our worship experience and life at UUCH.
Sunday worship: With the singing of hymns and songs together in our worship services, we lift up our hearts and bind our UU community more closely together. Our Music Coordinator, Aviva Enoch, along with other volunteer pianists and instrumentalists, provide inspiring accompaniment for congregational singing, solo vocalists, and small-group performances as part of our worship together. Our gathering music, the singing of hymns and rounds, meaningful musical interludes, offertory music, and meditative music become an interwoven worship experience all their own in our shared time together as a congregation.

Many ways to participate: Since we are still a moderate-size congregation (just over 100 members), there are numerous opportunities for anyone, including our children, with musical or expressive talents to get involved and share their artistic gifts with us in our worship together. At least once a year, we have a Sunday service celebrating Music and Arts in which any members or friends of UUCH with any kind of musical, visual, dramatic, or performance talent can express themselves and inspire others. At least twice a year Children’s Religious Education classes take charge of our Sunday service and present musical and dramatic programs. Other musical opportunities to share our musical talents include the occasional evening coffeehouse as well as periodic fundraiser events with volunteer musical acts setting a festive tone.
Future Plans: For the near future, we want to address a growing interest in our congregation to have more informal group-singing experiences—to gather just to learn and enjoy singing new songs and hymns together, to develop more musical skills in reading/learning music, to learn to sing harmonies more easily, and to share our vocal and instrumental skills with one another. We want to be known as the congregational family that makes music together, and thereby grows together in love and faith.